Filename: 292-mesh-vanguards.txt
Title: Mesh-based vanguards
Authors: George Kadianakis and Mike Perry
Created: 2018-05-08
Status: Closed
Supersedes: 247

0. Motivation

  A guard discovery attack allows attackers to determine the guard
  node of a Tor client. The hidden service rendezvous protocol
  provides an attack vector for a guard discovery attack since anyone
  can force an HS to construct a 3-hop circuit to a relay (#9001).

  Following the guard discovery attack with a compromise and/or
  coercion of the guard node can lead to the deanonymization of a
  hidden service.

1. Overview

  This document tries to make the above guard discovery + compromise
  attack harder to launch. It introduces a configuration
  option which makes the hidden service also pin the second and third
  hops of its circuits for a longer duration.

  With this new path selection, we force the adversary to perform a
  Sybil attack and two compromise attacks before succeeding. This is
  an improvement over the current state where the Sybil attack is
  trivial to pull off, and only a single compromise attack is required.

  With this new path selection, an attacker is forced to do a one or
  more node compromise attacks before learning the guard node of a hidden
  service. This increases the uncertainty of the attacker, since
  compromise attacks are costly and potentially detectable, so an
  attacker will have to think twice before beginning a chain of node
  compromise attacks that they might not be able to complete.

1.1. Tor integration

  The mechanisms introduced in this proposal are currently implemented
  partially in Tor and partially through an external Python script:

  The Python script uses the new Tor configuration options HSLayer2Nodes and
  HSLayer3Nodes to be able to select nodes for the guard layers. The Python
  script is tasked with maintaining and rotating the guard nodes as needed
  based on the lifetimes described in this proposal.

  In the future, we are aiming to include the whole functionality into Tor,
  with no need for external scripts.

1.2. Visuals

  Here is how a hidden service rendezvous circuit currently looks like:

                     -> middle_1 -> middle_A
                     -> middle_2 -> middle_B
                     -> middle_3 -> middle_C
                     -> middle_4 -> middle_D
       HS -> guard   -> middle_5 -> middle_E
                     -> middle_6 -> middle_F
                     -> middle_7 -> middle_G
                     -> middle_8 -> middle_H
                     ->   ...    ->  ...
                     -> middle_n -> middle_n

  this proposal pins the two middle positions into a much more
  restricted sets, as follows:

                       -> guard_2A
                                   -> guard_3A
          -> guard_1A  -> guard_2B -> guard_3B
       HS                          -> guard_3C
          -> guard_1B  -> guard_2C -> guard_3D
                                   -> guard_3E
                       -> guard_2D -> guard_3F

  Additionally, to avoid linkability, we insert an extra middle node
  after the third layer guard for client side intro and hsdir circuits,
  and service-side rendezvous circuits. This means that the set of
  paths for Client (C) and Service (S) side look like this:

     C - G - L2 - L3 - R
     S - G - L2 - L3 - HSDIR
     S - G - L2 - L3 - I
     C - G - L2 - L3 - M - I
     C - G - L2 - L3 - M - HSDIR
     S - G - L2 - L3 - M - R

1.3. Threat model, Assumptions, and Goals

  Consider an adversary with the following powers:

     - Can launch a Sybil guard discovery attack against any node of a
       rendezvous circuit. The slower the rotation period of the node,
       the longer the attack takes. Similarly, the higher the percentage
       of the network is compromised, the faster the attack runs.

     - Can compromise any node on the network, but this compromise takes
       time and potentially even coercive action, and also carries risk
       of discovery.

  We also make the following assumptions about the types of attacks:

  1. A Sybil attack is observable by both people monitoring the network
     for large numbers of new nodes, as well as vigilant hidden service
     operators. It will require either large amounts of traffic sent
     towards the hidden service, multiple test circuits, or both.

  2. A Sybil attack against the second or first layer Guards will be
     more noisy than a Sybil attack against the third layer guard, since the
     second and first layer Sybil attack requires a timing side channel in
     order to determine success, whereas the Sybil success is almost
     immediately obvious to third layer guard, since it will be instructed
     to connect to a cooperating malicious rend point by the adversary.

  3. As soon as the adversary is confident they have won the Sybil attack,
     an even more aggressive circuit building attack will allow them to
     determine the next node very fast (an hour or less).

  4. The adversary is strongly disincentivized from compromising nodes that
     may prove useless, as node compromise is even more risky for the
     adversary than a Sybil attack in terms of being noticed.

  Given this threat model, our security parameters were selected so that
  the first two layers of guards should be hard to attack using a Sybil
  guard discovery attack and hence require a node compromise attack. Ideally,
  we want the node compromise attacks to carry a non-negligible probability of
  being useless to the adversary by the time they complete.

  On the other hand, the outermost layer of guards should rotate fast enough to
  _require_ a Sybil attack.

  See our vanguard simulator project for a simulation of the above adversary
  model and a motivation for the parameters selected within this proposal:

2. Design

  When a hidden service picks its guard nodes, it also picks an
  additional NUM_LAYER2_GUARDS-sized set of middle nodes for its
  `second_guard_set`, as well as a NUM_LAYER3_GUARDS-sized set of
  middle nodes for its `third_guard_set`.

  When a hidden service needs to establish a circuit to an HSDir,
  introduction point or a rendezvous point, it uses nodes from
  `second_guard_set` as the second hop of the circuit and nodes from
  `third_guard_set` as third hop of the circuit.

  A hidden service rotates nodes from the 'second_guard_set' at a random
  time between MIN_SECOND_GUARD_LIFETIME hours and

  A hidden service rotates nodes from the 'third_guard_set' at a random

  Each node's rotation time is tracked independently, to avoid disclosing
  the rotation times of the primary and second-level guards.

2.1. Security parameters

  We set NUM_LAYER2_GUARDS to 4 nodes and NUM_LAYER3_GUARDS to 6 nodes.

  to 45 days inclusive, for an average rotation rate of 29.5 days, using
  the max(X,X) distribution specified in Section 3.3.

  to 48 hours inclusive, for an average rotation rate of 31.5 hours, using
  the max(X,X) distribution specified in Section 3.3.

  See Section 3 for more analysis on these constants.

2.2. Path restriction changes

  In order to avoid information leaks and ensure paths can be built, path
  restrictions must be loosened.

  In particular, we allow the following:
     1. Nodes from the same /16 and same family for any/all hops
     2. Guard nodes can be chosen for RP/IP/HSDIR
     3. Guard nodes can be chosen for hop before RP/IP/HSDIR.

  The first change prevents the situation where paths cannot be built if two
  layers all share the same subnet and/or node family. It also prevents the
  the use of a different entry guard based on the family or subnet of the
  IP, HSDIR, or RP.

  The second change prevents an adversary from forcing the use of a different
  entry guard by enumerating all guard-flaged nodes as the RP.

  The third change prevents an adversary from learning the guard node by way
  of noticing which nodes were not chosen for the hop before it.

3. Rationale and Security Parameter Selection

3.1. Sybil rotation counts for a given number of Guards

  The probability of Sybil success for Guard discovery can be modeled as
  the probability of choosing 1 or more malicious middle nodes for a
  sensitive circuit over some period of time.

  P(At least 1 bad middle) = 1 - P(All Good Middles)
                           = 1 - P(One Good middle)^(num_middles)
                           = 1 - (1 - c/n)^(num_middles)

  c/n is the adversary compromise percentage

  In the case of Vanguards, num_middles is the number of Guards you rotate
  through in a given time period. This is a function of the number of vanguards
  in that position (v), as well as the number of rotations (r).

  P(At least one bad middle) = 1 - (1 - c/n)^(v*r)

  Here's detailed tables in terms of the number of rotations required for
  a given Sybil success rate for certain number of guards.

  1.0% Network Compromise:
   Sybil Success   One   Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Eight  Nine  Ten  Twelve  Sixteen
    10%            11     6     4     3     3     2     2     2     2     1       1
    15%            17     9     6     5     4     3     3     2     2     2       2
    25%            29    15    10     8     6     5     4     4     3     3       2
    50%            69    35    23    18    14    12     9     8     7     6       5
    60%            92    46    31    23    19    16    12    11    10     8       6
    75%           138    69    46    35    28    23    18    16    14    12       9
    85%           189    95    63    48    38    32    24    21    19    16      12
    90%           230   115    77    58    46    39    29    26    23    20      15
    95%           299   150   100    75    60    50    38    34    30    25      19
    99%           459   230   153   115    92    77    58    51    46    39      29

  5.0% Network Compromise:
   Sybil Success   One   Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Eight  Nine  Ten  Twelve  Sixteen
    10%             3     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1       1
    15%             4     2     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1       1
    25%             6     3     2     2     2     1     1     1     1     1       1
    50%            14     7     5     4     3     3     2     2     2     2       1
    60%            18     9     6     5     4     3     3     2     2     2       2
    75%            28    14    10     7     6     5     4     4     3     3       2
    85%            37    19    13    10     8     7     5     5     4     4       3
    90%            45    23    15    12     9     8     6     5     5     4       3
    95%            59    30    20    15    12    10     8     7     6     5       4
    99%            90    45    30    23    18    15    12    10     9     8       6

  10.0% Network Compromise:
   Sybil Success   One   Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Eight  Nine  Ten  Twelve  Sixteen
    10%             2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1       1
    15%             2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1       1
    25%             3     2     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1       1
    50%             7     4     3     2     2     2     1     1     1     1       1
    60%             9     5     3     3     2     2     2     1     1     1       1
    75%            14     7     5     4     3     3     2     2     2     2       1
    85%            19    10     7     5     4     4     3     3     2     2       2
    90%            22    11     8     6     5     4     3     3     3     2       2
    95%            29    15    10     8     6     5     4     4     3     3       2
    99%            44    22    15    11     9     8     6     5     5     4       3

  The rotation counts in these tables were generated with:
     def num_rotations(c, v, success):
       r = 0
       while 1-math.pow((1-c), v*r) < success: r += 1
       return r

3.2. Rotation Period

  As specified in Section 1.2, the primary driving force for the third
  layer selection was to ensure that these nodes rotate fast enough that
  it is not worth trying to compromise them, because it is unlikely for
  compromise to succeed and yield useful information before the nodes stop
  being used.

  From the table in Section 3.1, with NUM_LAYER2_GUARDS=4 and
  NUM_LAYER3_GUARDS=6, it can be seen that this means that the Sybil attack
  on layer3 will complete with 50% chance in 12*31.5 hours (15.75 days)
  for the 1% adversary, ~4 days for the 5% adversary, and 2.62 days for the
  10% adversary.

  Since rotation of each node happens independently, the distribution of
  when the adversary expects to win this Sybil attack in order to discover
  the next node up is uniform. This means that on average, the adversary
  should expect that half of the rotation period of the next node is already
  over by the time that they win the Sybil.

  With this fact, we choose our range and distribution for the second
  layer rotation to be short enough to cause the adversary to risk
  compromising nodes that are useless, yet long enough to require a
  Sybil attack to be noticeable in terms of client activity. For this
  reason, we choose a minimum second-layer guard lifetime of 1 day,
  since this gives the adversary a minimum expected value of 12 hours for
  during which they can compromise a guard before it might be rotated.
  If the total expected rotation rate is 29.5 days, then the adversary can
  expect overall to have 14.75 days remaining after completing their Sybil
  attack before a second-layer guard rotates away.

3.3. Rotation distributions

  In order to skew the distribution of the third layer guard towards
  higher values, we use max(X,X) for the distribution, where X is a
  random variable that takes on values from the uniform distribution.

  Here's a table of expectation (arithmetic means) for relevant
  ranges of X (sampled from 0..N-1). The table was generated with the
  following python functions:

  def ProbMinXX(N, i): return (2.0*(N-i)-1)/(N*N)
  def ProbMaxXX(N, i): return (2.0*i+1)/(N*N)

  def ExpFn(N, ProbFunc):
    exp = 0.0
    for i in xrange(N): exp += i*ProbFunc(N, i)
    return exp

  The current choice for second-layer guards is noted with **, and
  the current choice for third-layer guards is noted with ***.

   Range  Min(X,X)   Max(X,X)
   40      12.84       26.16
   41      13.17       26.83
   42      13.50       27.50
   43      13.84       28.16
   44      14.17       28.83
   45      14.50       29.50**
   46      14.84       30.16
   47      15.17       30.83
   48      15.50       31.50***

  The Cumulative Density Function (CDF) tells us the probability that a
  guard will no longer be in use after a given number of time units have

  Because the Sybil attack on the third node is expected to complete at any
  point in the second node's rotation period with uniform probability, if we
  want to know the probability that a second-level Guard node will still be in
  use after t days, we first need to compute the probability distribution of
  the rotation duration of the second-level guard at a uniformly random point
  in time. Let's call this P(R=r).

  For P(R=r), the probability of the rotation duration depends on the selection
  probability of a rotation duration, and the fraction of total time that
  rotation is likely to be in use. This can be written as:

  P(R=r) = ProbMaxXX(X=r)*r / \sum_{i=1}^N ProbMaxXX(X=i)*i

  or in Python:

  def ProbR(N, r, ProbFunc=ProbMaxXX):
     return ProbFunc(N, r)*r/ExpFn(N, ProbFunc)

  For the full CDF, we simply sum up the fractional probability density for
  all rotation durations. For rotation durations less than t days, we add the
  entire probability mass for that period to the density function. For
  durations d greater than t days, we take the fraction of that rotation
  period's selection probability and multiply it by t/d and add it to the
  density. In other words:

  def FullCDF(N, t, ProbFunc=ProbR):
    density = 0.0
    for d in xrange(N):
      if t >= d: density += ProbFunc(N, d)
      # The +1's below compensate for 0-indexed arrays:
      else: density += ProbFunc(N, d)*(float(t+1))/(d+1)
    return density

  Computing this yields the following distribution for our current parameters:

   t          P(SECOND_ROTATION <= t)
   1               0.03247
   2               0.06494
   3               0.09738
   4               0.12977
   5               0.16207
  10               0.32111
  15               0.47298
  20               0.61353
  25               0.73856
  30               0.84391
  35               0.92539
  40               0.97882
  45               1.00000

  This CDF tells us that for the second-level Guard rotation, the
  adversary can expect that 3.3% of the time, their third-level Sybil
  attack will provide them with a second-level guard node that has only
  1 day remaining before it rotates. 6.5% of the time, there will
  be only 2 day or less remaining, and 9.7% of the time, 3 days or less.

  Note that this distribution is still a day-resolution approximation.

4. Security concerns and mitigations

4.1. Mitigating fingerprinting of new HS circuits

  By pinning the middle nodes of rendezvous circuits, we make it
  easier for all hops of the circuit to detect that they are part of a
  special hidden service circuit with varying degrees of certainty.

  The Guard node is able to recognize a Vanguard client with a high
  degree of certainty because it will observe a client IP creating the
  overwhelming majority of its circuits to just a few middle nodes in
  any given 31.5 day time period.

  The middle nodes will be able to tell with a variable certainty that
  depends on both its traffic volume and upon the popularity of the
  service, because they will see a large number of circuits that tend to
  pick the same Guard and Exit.

  The final nodes will be able to tell with a similar level of certainty
  that depends on their capacity and the service popularity, because they
  will see a lot of handshakes that all tend to have the same second

  The most serious of these is the Guard fingerprinting issue. When
  proposal 254-padding-negotiation is implemented, services that enable
  this feature should use those padding primitives to create fake circuits
  to random middle nodes that are not their guards, in an attempt to look
  more like a client.

  Additionally, if Tor Browser implements "virtual circuits" based on
  SOCKS username+password isolation in order to enforce the re-use of
  paths when SOCKS username+passwords are re-used, then the number of
  middle nodes in use during a typical user's browsing session will be
  proportional to the number of sites they are viewing at any one time.
  This is likely to be much lower than one new middle node every ten
  minutes, and for some users, may be close to the number of Vanguards
  we're considering.

  This same reasoning is also an argument for increasing the number of
  second-level guards beyond just two, as it will spread the hidden
  service's traffic over a wider set of middle nodes, making it both
  easier to cover, and behave closer to a client using SOCKS virtual
  circuit isolation.

5. Default vs optional behavior

  We suggest this torrc option to be optional because it changes path
  selection in a way that may seriously impact hidden service performance,
  especially for high traffic services that happen to pick slow guard

  However, by having this setting be disabled by default, we make hidden
  services who use it stand out a lot. For this reason, we should in fact
  enable this feature globally, but only after we verify its viability for
  high-traffic hidden services, and ensure that it is free of second-order
  load balancing effects.

  Even after that point, until Single Onion Services are implemented,
  there will likely still be classes of very high traffic hidden services
  for whom some degree of location anonymity is desired, but for which
  performance is much more important than the benefit of Vanguards, so there
  should always remain a way to turn this option off.

  In the meantime, a reference implementation is available at:

6. Acknowledgements

  This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1111539,
  CNS-1314637, CNS-1526306, CNS-1619454, and CNS-1640548.

Appendix A: Full Python program for generating tables in this proposal

import math

############ Section 3.1 #################
def num_rotations(c, v, success):
  i = 0
  while 1-math.pow((1-c), v*i) < success: i += 1
  return i

def rotation_line(c, pct):
  print "    %2d%%        %6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%6d%8d" % \
     (pct, num_rotations(c, 1, pct/100.0), num_rotations(c, 2, pct/100.0), \
      num_rotations(c, 3, pct/100.0), num_rotations(c, 4, pct/100.0),
      num_rotations(c, 5, pct/100.0), num_rotations(c, 6, pct/100.0),
      num_rotations(c, 8, pct/100.0), num_rotations(c, 9, pct/100.0),
      num_rotations(c, 10, pct/100.0), num_rotations(c, 12, pct/100.0),
      num_rotations(c, 16, pct/100.0))

def rotation_table_31():
  for c in [1,5,10]:
    print "\n  %2.1f%% Network Compromise: " % c
    print "   Sybil Success   One   Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Eight  Nine  Ten  Twelve  Sixteen"
    for success in [10,15,25,50,60,75,85,90,95,99]:
      rotation_line(c/100.0, success)

############ Section 3.3 #################
def ProbMinXX(N, i): return (2.0*(N-i)-1)/(N*N)
def ProbMaxXX(N, i): return (2.0*i+1)/(N*N)

def ExpFn(N, ProbFunc):
  exp = 0.0
  for i in xrange(N): exp += i*ProbFunc(N, i)
  return exp

def ProbUniformX(N, i): return 1.0/N

def ProbR(N, r, ProbFunc=ProbMaxXX):
  return ProbFunc(N, r)*r/ExpFn(N, ProbFunc)

def FullCDF(N, t, ProbFunc=ProbR):
  density = 0.0
  for d in xrange(N):
    if t >= d: density += ProbFunc(N, d)
    # The +1's below compensate for 0-indexed arrays:
    else: density += ProbFunc(N, d)*float(t+1)/(d+1)
  return density

def expectation_table_33():
  print "\n   Range  Min(X,X)   Max(X,X)"
  for i in xrange(10,49):
    print "   %2d      %2.2f       %2.2f" % (i, ExpFn(i,ProbMinXX), ExpFn(i, ProbMaxXX))

def CDF_table_33():
  print "\n   t          P(SECOND_ROTATION <= t)"
  for i in xrange(1,46):
    print "  %2d               %2.5f" % (i, FullCDF(45, i-1))

########### Output ############

# Section 3.1

# Section 3.3

